26 July, 2009

Progress from wearing SpineCor brace

I thought it would be interesting to take a photo of Leah to compare to the photo we took before fitting the SpineCor. The picture on the left was taken before the brace was fitted. The picture on the right was taken today after approximately 7 months wearing the brace. She had been out of the brace for a couple of hours when the photo was taken. Obviously she hasn't been wearing the brace long enough to be able to maintain the correction long term, but I think it shows that the brace is working well so far. You can see from comparing the photos that her scapula and shoulders are almost level now, her body is still swaying to the right but even that has reduced a little. Still a long way to go but we're getting there.

12 July, 2009

SpineCor and Biobloc update

Craig and Leah flew down to Sydney on Saturday to check the brace. There was no xray this time but Stuart did a few measurements and was happy where she's at. Just a few adjustments and we're done again for another 3 months.

No more turning Leah's appliance now until after she's had her operation and recovered. There has been a lot of movement with her teeth and things are moving in the right direction. We may soon work on bringing her jaw forward at the same time as working on getting her to breathe through her nose, again all after the operation.

At this stage we're all set for her tonsils/adenoids to be removed on Tuesday. She says that she's a bit scared but she's being very brave. I'm certainly not looking forward to it, I'm sure things will go smoothly but as a mother you can't help but worry. I just have to remind myself to look at the big picture and hope that this is another positive step in the right direction.