15 November, 2009

Spinecor update

Leah has been down to Sydney again to check the brace, this time having another x-ray taken. As we expected, the brace is still working beautifully and is now holding her at 3 degrees. At the same time as keeping her curve low, the x-ray showed that the spine rotation has also improved. We are ecstatic about this result, almost a year into wearing the brace. We've also been back to the Mater Hospital to have her reviewed and they are also happy with where she's at now. This image below shows Leah's initial xray on the left with the most recent one on the right.

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I have scoliosis and I enjoy reading about the back and scoliosis on blogs and other websites.. I am very pleased with the SpineCor brace that I started wearing since Nov 2004. I have hardly any back pain and there has been some improvement in my curve. It took a while but I got used to it and I appreciate the support it gives my back. A couple of people have told me that I look straighter now. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to use the SpineCor brace. If you want more information on it go to http://www.scoliosisspecialists.com. Anyways I look forward to all the updates. Thanks again.

